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Victoria Harflett
Why am I scared of being creative?
“You're afraid you'll be rejected or criticised or ridiculed or misunderstood or - worst of all - ignored. You're afraid there's no...

Victoria Harflett
Do you have a compelling purpose to engage and motivate your team?
It’s tempting to focus solely on financial targets and business goals as the way to direct your team, but sustained motivation comes from...

Victoria Harflett
Do we spot and capture opportunities along the way?
In today’s fast-paced world, opportunity waits for no one. Yet too often, brilliant ideas are missed or dismissed because teams aren’t e...

Victoria Harflett
Do you really know who to influence - and how?
Many teams get too focused on their own performance, creating silos and losing sight of the bigger picture - and consequently NOT making...

Victoria Harflett
Are you resilient when it matters most?
Do you set goals for yourself or your team at the start of the year? Setting goals provides a sense of shared purpose and direction - but...

Victoria Harflett
‘Why’ trust and psychological safety are SO important
“Do we get the best from each other?” is a foundational question for every high performing team. But getting the best from each other...

Victoria Harflett
Is your team clear on HOW to achieve its goals?
Teams with a shared understanding of the steps they will take towards their goal can achieve up to 30% better task performance! " A goal...

Victoria Harflett
“Do your team members believe they’re working toward something meaningful?
This single question, the second question in our proven 9 Question Model for developing high-performing teams, could be the key to...

Victoria Harflett
Real Teams. Not Coffee Machines.
In the midst of all the headlines about the push to bring people back to the office, there’s a persistent myth: that simply being in the...

Victoria Harflett
Are you disciplined in working to improve your team’s effectiveness and performance?
This is the central question in our model for developing high-performing teams. Teams that thrive are the ones that actively work to...

Victoria Harflett
Empowering Teams with the Gyre Team Effectiveness Model
Have you ever wondered what leadership is really for? Maybe it seems obvious? Leadership is there to ensure we get the best from our...

Victoria Harflett
Teams: The missing piece of the jigsaw
The world is increasingly complex. With heightened regulation, rapid digitalisation, virtual working, mental health concerns, and a...

Arabella Ellis
5 key takeaways for the workplace
5 great tips from Arabella Ellis on embracing simplicity and clarity in both your work life and wardrobe!

Arabella Ellis
Rethinking Leadership Development: The Untapped Potential of Team Dynamics
As I reflect on the state of leadership development today, I'm struck by a persistent gap in how we approach the cultivation of our...
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